Regular attendance and being on time will help a student be successful and maintain a good attitude toward school. Students should arrive starting at 8:50. This will allow ample time for personal organization before the tardy bell rings at 9:15. Our goal for all students and families is to encourage a timely start to a complete school day with minimal interruptions to instructional time. If attendance concerns arise, you will be contacted by your child’s school to address a plan to support improved attendance.
How to report an absence: Please call the main office at 848-5280
If a student is sick or absent for any reason it is necessary that the parent or guardian call the school office. Please call the school between 7:30 a.m. and 9:10 a.m. each day that the child is gone or the first day of an extended absence. For your convenience, we have voicemail available 24 hours a day and you may call and leave a message anytime. If a call is not received by 9:15 a.m., we will try to contact the parent either at home or at work.